组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

In the summer of 1936, a poor sheepherder(牧羊人) fell ill and came to a small hospital in Fort Benton, Montana, with his dog. The sheepherder was1ill and died soon.

The sheepherder's body2to his family by train. The dog cried as the train carrying his master's(主人的) body disappeared.

 Trains came to Fort Benton3times a day. The dog always stayed there to watch each passenger get4the train. He waited for his master to return.

 The station manager Ed felt sorry for the dog. He named the dog Shep and left him some food every day. He encouraged the dog5inside the station. Finally, Shep got to trust Ed and came inside. But every day when the trains 6, he was back waiting at the same place.

The passengers who came to Fort Benton wondered7the dog was always there, greeting the trains. Ed decided to write8pamphlet(小册子) about Shep's story and sell it to the passengers for a small price. Some newspapers shared Shep's story across the nation.

Day after day, Shep continued to wait and watch. He was very9when he died in 1942. After his death, the people of Fort Benton made a beautiful bronze statue(铜像) of Shep to honor10. Today, many visitors still stop to look at the statue and buy the pamphlet.
