组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Have you ever thought of what life is like for older people, especially for those who live alone? Can they get help when they need it?

Six abe-10 students from Beijing 101 Middle School looked deeper at this question and wrote a proposal(提案)to the China Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. They found that most nursing homes couldn't satisfy the old people, so they advised to build more seniors' service stations in communities. They also gave suggestions for how governments, neighborhoods and hospitals can work together to make this happen.

_________. It offers things like daytime care, cooking, cleaning and friendship to seniors who live in their own homes. The students surveyed more than 1, 100 people, about 90 percent of whom said they would prefer to use the stations' services to moving into a nursing home. However, there are not enough of these stations, and many don't run very well.

The six students came up with a solution after reading more than 60 related studies, interviewing 108 people and visiting 25 different organizations. Their proposal beat out almost100 others to win the Best Proposal Award in 2021.

"This experience allows me to understand the responsibilities of us young people. Also I see the light and potential in us, "said Xu Wanqing, one of the students. "Participating in the China Youth Model CPPCC has been good for students, "agreed their teacher and adviser Li Jie, "They've grown their civic awareness, as well as gotten more confidence in our society since they're seen how they can contribute(贡献)to it themselves. "
