组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When an Italian man went to work with a mask(口罩)to protect himself from the COVID-19(新冠肺炎), other people criticized(批评)him for" causing panic(恐慌)". But in China and other Asian countries,almost everyone wears a mask during outbreaks. Why do the East and the West have different ideas about wearing masks?

In the West, people wear masks only when they get sick. If a person goes out with a mask, other people may look at him like a virus(病毒)spreader. Even their friends tried to stay away from them. Some Western people say wearing a mask in public makes them feel "worried", "shy", and" afraid of being looked at differently". But as the number of COVID-19 cases(病例)keeps growing around the world, more and more healthy people are starting to wear masks to protect themselves.

In Asian countries like China and Japan, wearing masks is common. During the 2003 SARS, people used masks widely in China and East Asia. Many Chinese also wear masks to keep warm in winter or protect against air pollution. In Japan, some young women may wear masks when they don't have their makeup on. Many pop stars in Asia also wear masks to protect their privacy. when they go out. This cultural background has made it easier for people in the East to wear masks during the COVID-19 outbreak.
