组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
配对阅读。左栏是在华工作外籍专家Mr. Frank的家庭成员的信息,右栏是关于中国传统文化线上展览的简介,请为每位家庭成员选择合适的展览。

 Mr. Jack Frank(the father)is a scientist. He is doing research on Chinese solar terms(节气).   

 Mrs. Frank(the mother)is a housewife. She likes cooking and she cooks for the family every day.  

 Alice(the daughter)is learning painting in a university. She hopes to be an artist in the future.   

 Adam(the son)is studying in a primary school. He loves Tang poems so much that he learns one every day.   

 Mr. Kelvin Frank(the grandfather) used to be a sportsman. Now he practices Taiji every morning.   

A. Chinese traditional sports and activities are the cultural heritage(文化遗产)of China. Most of them not only are good for health but also have high artistic value.

B. Food and drink has a special meaning to Chinese people. Eating does not just mean filling the stomach. What and how to eat is more important.

C. Traditional festivals play an important part in Chinese cultural heritage. There are a large number of traditional festivals in China. They carry rich information about the life of Chinese.

D. The art of paper cutting was first developed in China. Chinese paper-cuts have been a traditional form of decoration(装饰)at the Chinese New Year for thousands of years.

E. Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The artists paint on rice paper or thin silk with brushes.

F. In the past 3, 500 years, China has developed its own form of cultural traditions, values and tastes. Tang poems are said to be the finest of Chinese literature(文学).

G. The twenty-four solar terms have a history of thousands of years in China. They are still useful today in people's life.
