组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Some people love to run at night. Do you know how to be safe at night? Here are some1 for you.

★Carry a cellphone. When you're going out at night, it's a good idea to carry your cellphone. 2 to carry it even if you're just going around nearby. You can 3 it to make a phone call to your parents or friends. So, make sure you carry your cellphone 4 you go out at night.

★ Don't go out alone. It's always 5 to stay with some other people when you go out at night. Man or woman, young or old, you will be 6 if you stay with them. Don't walk late at night all by 7.

★ Let your parents or friends know where you're going. Try to 8 in touch with your parent or friends when you go out. If you have to meet someone at night, remember to meet him or her in a safe place. Then tell the  9 to your parents or friends. In this way, you'll keep them from 10you. It is also away to keep yourself safe.
