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Today, people in some countries are fighting against COVID-19(新型冠状病毒). To stay safe, lots of people aren't allowed to shake hands with others. They are not allowed to kiss or hug(拥抱) them, either. If you need a hug, you can hold your arm around a tree. A tree! That may sound a little strange, but many people are doing it!

A girl posted(发布) some of her photos of hugging trees online. She wanted to encourage more people to hug a tree. She said, " In this unpleasant period(时期), werecommendpeople around the world to go out to hug(拥抱) a tree. You can express(表达) your love for the tree and get love from the tree. Lots of people saw her photos. They also went out to hug trees. Moshe Hazan was one of them. He said to a reporter." Now we'd better not hug other people. Hugging a tree is quite a nice thing to do."

"A forest worker made a funny video about hugging trees." He said, "There are plenty of trees. There is no need for everyone to hug the same tree."
