组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The morning was dark and cold. While I was sleeping, Jack shook me awake. He stood by my bed and looked excited. He said to me, "Come on, Mike. It's sea turtle(海龟) time."

I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. It was so dark that I couldn't see my bed. I didn't want to get up, but Jack pulled me out of my bed. We put on heavy waterproof(防水的) boots(靴子) and rain jackets and set out.

As soon as we walked to the sea shore, I saw a baby sea turtle lying on the beach on its back. It was unable to get right side up. I picked up the baby sea turtle gently(轻柔地). Then I took it to the sea. I put it in the water slowly. The sea water took the baby turtle away.

"Nice job, Mike, "Jack looked at me and smiled. I had a feeling of pride when I heard his words. We spent the next three hours searching for sea turtles and helping them back to the sea. Jack and I found fifteen sea turtles on the beach. We helped all of them back to the sea. When we arrived home, we felt tired, but we were proud. We thought we did a good job.
