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Jia Ling is my favorite actress(女演员). Many people like her movie Hi Mom. The movie came out on /februəri/ 12th, 2021. It broke lots of box office records(票房纪录).

Jia Ling makes the movie because she wants to tell her mother's stories. Li Huanying is /ɔːlsəu/ the name of Jia Ling's mother in the movie. The mother passed away(去世) when Jia was only 19 (year) old. She (miss) her mother and wants to make her mother happy and /tʃeɪndʒ/ her hard life in the movie. in this movie Jia Xiaoling travels(旅行) back to 1981 and becomes her mother's friend.

Many people love this movie, and they think it's an (interest) and moving movie. The mother Li says, “Speaking of my future(未来的) daughter, I just want (she) to be healthy and happy.” We can feel the great love of a mother. What can we do our parents? We can go out for walk with our parents after dinner or just talk with them on the weekends to show our love to them.
