组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Some people say it is not easy for a middle-aged person to learn a foreign language. But is it (real) true?

Several years ago, I worked for English newspaper which was doing such a research. They asked me to learn a new language for one month. Then I had to go to the country and do some "tests" (see) if I could "survive (挺过来)" in different situations.

I chose Spanish(西班牙语) and did a one-month course at a language school and (find) that some Spanish words are very similar to English ones. example, hola isn't very different from "hello". Of course, there are other things which are more difficult. In Spanish you have to change the verbs (动词) for each person. But my (big) problem of all was the pronunciation. I found was very difficult to pronounce some letters in Spanish, especially r and j. So I had to download (sentence) onto my phone and I listened and practised them again and again.

A month later I went to Spain. A Spanish teacher (call) Paula came and began the test. "Will I survive?" I wasn't sure enough but I wished I would!
