组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读你们班同学的项目化学习(Project-based learning)汇报展示文稿,完成所给信息记录表。没空不得超过三个词。

Tony: Hello, everyone. I am Tony, the group leader. These are my group members, Betty, Darning and Ogling. As we know, Jinhua is a beautiful with a long history. But you may not know the two longest corridor bridges (廊桥) in China are here. They are Xijin Bridge and Shuxi Bridge. So we chose these two bridges as our project target(项目任务). Here is our presentation.

Betty: I'll introduce the process. First we made a plan about the time we would need and how to do the project. It took us three weekends to do online searching, visit the bridges, interview the local people and make the leaflet.

Darning: After collecting all the information and doing the necessary study, we have made them into a leaflet as our product. Let's take a look.

The two bridges are made of wood. They are called sister bridges because they look really similar. Xijin Bridge, the longest bridge, is in Yongkang and the second longest is in Wuyi called Shuxi Bridge.

Lingling: What we'd like to share with you most is our gains and feelings. We are all amazed by the wisdom(智慧) of the ancient bridge builders and feel so proud of our hometown.

Tony: Now, what do you think of our project? Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Thank you.

Project-based Learning Record


Tony, Betty, Daming and Lingling


 in Jinhua-Xijin Bridge and Shuxi Bridge


three weekends for online searching, visiting, interviewing and  the leaflet

Form: a leaflet


*made of wood

*called " bridges"

*two longest corridor bridges in China.

Gains & feelings

*amazed by the wisdom of the ancient bridge builders

* the hometown

Comments & suggestions

From teachers:

From students:
