组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

Dear Jack,

I have to give a speech(做演讲 ) at our flag-raising ceremony(升旗仪式 ) and I feel really afraid of it. But I don't want to give it up(放弃 ). What should I do?


Dear Jim,

Public ( 公众的) speeches often make us afraid. Before, I didn't like public speeches. But everyone thought I did a good job, so I slowly started to like it. Now I enjoy giving public speeches.

I find you're excited about the speech, because you don't want to give it up. So just practice( 练习) in front of your parents again and again. They can help you.


Dear Jim,

Before, I had to give a speech at the flag-raising ceremony, too. I practiced every day till my speech was good. But I couldn't speak very well in front of the class. My teacher and friends encouraged(鼓励 ) me and helped me a lot. So I gave a wonderful speech at last.

Please practice a lot! And talk to your teachers and friends, they can help you.

