组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

The December day started like any other. Papa came back with his boat full of fish. Mama made breakfast for the family. Seven-year-old Joonas was doing his homework, while his two little brothers ran around the yard. That day seemed peaceful, but Alejo 1 better.

Alejo felt shaking in his legs, and his ears perked up (竖着), listening for what had already 2 Alejo made a crying sound, and Mama said, "Sh!" Alejo barked (吠), and Joonas complained, "Quiet, I'm trying to 3".

Suddenly, a strange roaring (轰鸣) sound began. Papa ran to a nearby building's roof (屋顶) to 4 what was happening. But Alejo knew better. The shaking of the ground 5 up his padded paws (肉掌). He wanted to run, but he didn't dare to leave his family.

"Why were they 6? Didn't they know that a great earthquake had roared under the ocean and would soon bring strong waves onto the land?" Alejo thought.

And then Papa shouted with 7 from the rooftop, "Tsunami(海啸)! Run!"

Mama cried, "Sons, come on! She grabbed (抓) a little one under each arm. "Joonas, run! You're fast and strong. Follow me up the 8. Fast!"

But the roar had gotten louder, 9 her words. All that Joonas had heard was, "Run!" And he ran back home where he thought he would be 10. Alejo barked and barked, but the tsunami made it 11 to hear his voice, too.

Alejo gently bit (咬) Joonas's feet, but the boy wouldn't move. " 12," Joonas pushed the dog away, but Alejo would not give up. He grabbed Joonas's shirt in his 13. He pulled and pulled until his mouth broke. With all his strength, he pulled Joonas back outside and hit him from behind. Finally, the boy 14.

Alejo ran toward the hill, looking back to make sure Joonas was following. They raced uphill as the huge wall of 15 ran after them. Alejo and Joonas didn't stop running until they reached higher up the hill and met their family. And they had a mother-father-brothers-dog thankful hug.
