组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a small town. He worked hard on his farm. One day, a strange-looking goose came to the farm. The farmer caught it and wanted to cook it for breakfast.

The next day, the farmer was surprised to find the goose had laid a golden egg. He was so happy that he danced cheerfully.

The farmer got a golden egg every morning. In the market, everybody loved to buy the golden egg. And he made a lot of money by selling them. The farmer and his wife thought there was no need to work on the farm, so they stopped farming.

The farmer and his wife were happy for a long time. But one day, the farmer thought to himself, "Why should we take just one egg a day? Why can't we take them all at once and make a lot of money?" The farmer told his wife his idea, and she foolishly agreed.

Then, the next day, as the goose laid its golden egg, the farmer was quick with a sharp knife. He killed the goose and cut its stomach open, in the hope of finding all its golden eggs. But, as he opened the stomach, he found nothing but guts and blood.

The farmer quickly realized his foolish mistake and cries over the dead goose. As the days went on, the farmer and his wife became poorer and poorer. Howfoolishthey were!
