组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Jack hurt his leg seriously while playing ball games. Then he must1  in bed for some time. One evening before New Year's Day, the Brown family heard a knock on the door. Mrs. Brown opened the door and saw a big yellow Jack-o-lantern! On the top of it was a 2 to Jack.

Dear Jack,

Have a good time3 New Year's Day! From a friend

After Mrs. Brown gave the Jack-o-lantern to Jack, Jack was lost in thought. Mr. Brown asked Jack  4  or not he knew who sent it. Jack replied, “Dad, I'm sure this is 5Billy. I wish I could ask him to have New Year's dinner with us. He must feel 6 since he has no  father or mother.” Mr.  and Mrs.  Brown7  . Jack soon  made a phone call to  invite Billy home.

On New Year's Day, Billy8  quite early. The two boys played  and talked happily  the whole day. In the evening, while they were having dinner, Billy said,“ See what I've got!” He held up something in his hand9 Jack could see it.

Jack shouted10"Oh, you got the wishbone (如愿骨)!Let's pull(扯) it now.”Billy took hold  one end  of the  wishbone, and Jack  took hold of11. They each thought for aminute. "I  know what I'm  going  to wish,” cried Jack. Billy smiled  and said, “Me  too.” Then, 12pulled and Jack got the longer end.

“Now you can    make a wish,” Billy said.“What did you wish?”

“I wished that my13would get well soon. What about you, Billy?” Billy replied, "I wished that you would get your14.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Brown smiled, saying, “Sounds like that you will15achieve your dreams. Jack will be well soon.”
