组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Jane and her family loved buffets. When they were on holiday, they had a buffet dinner at the hotel where they were staying.

Jane put a lot of beef and a few vegetables on plate. She also took a lot of fried rice and fries.

Her mother looked at Jane's plate and said, "You shouldn't eat too much meat or fried food. You've put so much food on your plate. Are you sure you can finish it all? "

"Of course!" said Jane.

Next Jane and her father went to get some dessert (甜点) Jane put a lot of jelly and cake on her plate.

"You should only take a little jelly and cake, Jane. Look at your plate! Are you sure you can eat it all" asked her father.

"Of course!" said Jane.

Jane was soon full.

"Look at all the food you've left on your plate, Jane." Said her father. "Can't you cat it all up?"

"Sorry, Dad. I can't" said Jane.

Jane's father asked for the bill. The waiter looked at the food.

"Do you want this food, sir?" he asked.

Jane's father said, "No, I'm sorry. We can't finish it. We're full." The waiter weighed the food. Then he gave Jane's father the bill.

Jane's father looked at the bill and said, "My goodness! You've wasted a lot of food, Jane. Now we have to pay for it. No pocket money for you this month!"
