组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Debris flow (泥石流) is a kind of destructive geological disaster. July to August is the most frequent period of debris flow in China. , it can increase the probability of survival in an emergency.

Don't overlook your surroundings while hiking. Pay attention to the surrounding environment and pay special attention to whether you hear thunder-like sound from the valley in the distance. If you hear it, you should raise the alarm. .

Don't panic and escape in the direction of debris flow. When meeting with debris flow, stay calm. If the path is perpendicular (垂直的) to the direction of debris flow and climbs to the hillside on both sides, the higher the better and the faster the better. It is absolutely not allowed to go to the downstream of debris flow.

When traveling by car meeting debris flow, you should abandon the car and run away. If you hide in the car, it is easy to be buried in the car. In that case, you are at great risk.

    Don't think it's safer in the area where the debris flow just happened. Sometimes the debris flow will happen intermittently (间歇地).  you must be careful of another one on the road. You'd better take another way to find a safe route.

A. Don't try to stay in your car

B. It is likely to be a sign of debris flow

C. Try to determine the safe path to escape

D. Don't drive a car for a trip in the mountain

E. Stay calm and look at the map on your phone

F. If you know some emergency knowledge about debris flow

G. If you are walking through the area where the debris flow just happened
