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My mom is about to have a spinal (脊柱的) operation. The operation is 1minor, but does carry a risk of paralysis (瘫痪). Friends and family have 2 to this news by talking in such pessimistic terms that Mom has come to 3this kind of talk as "psychological theft". It occurs when other people increase your anxiety 4providing comfort.

Last week Mom5Geoff who works for the local school. "How are you?" he asked. "Not great," she replied, "I have been having some trouble with my back and I'm going to need a (n)6""Oh, the back the most 7place to operate on! My mom had that and she was in terrible pain." He responded. Geoff's8had been kind. He'd given his own mother's story to show sympathy, 9Mom only heard danger and pain.

People could have 10things that would be equally true, but more 11to patients. "The specialists in our hospitals are among the best in the world." that's a good one. "You're going to feel much better 12"that's another.

I'm not suggesting patients should be13from the reality of the risks they're taking. But if the decision to have an operation can't really be 14 , what's the purpose of stressing the 15?It's just common sense to say, "Get well soon, and how can I help?"
