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With the completion of the Beijing Winter Games, the city has become the first in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

As Beijing normally doesn't have much snow in winter, artificial snow has been used at venues for the Beijing 2022 Olympic winter Games.

"If you want to wait for nature ensured the smooth running of the Winter Games. provide you with all of the required materials to ski on, you risk not being able organize a competition," the former International Ski Federation (FIS) freestyle coordinator Joseph Fitzgerald told Xinhua.

Artificial snow has been commonly seen in the Olympic Winter Games for decades ever since its first use in Lake Placid, New York, in 1980. Artificial snow has many benefits. It's fairer and safer for athletes, competing during each event Competition snow requires a higher density (密度) than recreational snow in order to meet the requirements of the FIS. Different from natural snow, certain characteristics of the artificial snow can be easily changed to meet the qualities and needs of different competition venues(场地).

Snow machines at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games all ran on renewable energy"We have designed the latest in snow-making. It's very efficient in terms of energy consumption and the use of water,"Davide Cerato , an Italian mountain operation expert in charge of snow-making in Zhangjiakou, told China Daily. "Water used for snow-making only comes from rainfall and surface run-off, and it can be recycled, Wei Qinghua, the mountain operation manager at the Zhangjiakou, told Shine, a Shanghai-based news platform. A sewage (污水) treatment station has also been established to process the sanitary(卫生的)sewage from the competition zone into recycling water for plant-watering and toilet use, Sun Xianghui, an engineer from Beijing Beikong Jing'ao Construction Corporation, told Xinhua.
