组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Once there was a girl  rich father wished her to marry a rich man, but she was (determine) to find her own husband who would love her. At first, her father overlooked her point of view. But she insisted and at last they came to a compromise if she couldn't find herself a husband in one year, she would have to reconsider the rich man her father suggested. So, she left home. Unfortunately, all her money (steal), and she had to work in a laundry washing clothes. It was heavy work and she often sobbed at nighttiredness, but she stayed.

One day she got so thirsty that she went into a tea shop. At a table was a young man  (wear) a shabby coat.

"Would you like to join me?" he asked. "You look as if you are in need of a drink." The young man poured her a cup of tea from a teapot, (add) cream and offered her a cookie. She (grateful) accepted and before long they chatted like old friends. The young man happily paid for the food. Imagine their  (amaze) when they discovered that they were both rich and looking for true love. Her father's  (happy) was complete when the girl returned with a rich husband.
