组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Noisy neighbors are a problem in a society where many people live closely together. And this can be the most important when you share walls, floors or ceilings with neighbors in a flat—noisy neighbor can make life challenging, especially if noise goes well into night, or happens during early morning hours. This situation needs to be dealt with properly, which needs your ability to keep calm.

First, you should try to tell your neighbors about the noise. This conversation should be polite and friendly. It can begin with words like "I am not sure you know that." Explain the problem in an honest way, and ask the neighbors to turn down the music, or not to hold parties until 3 a.m. You can also say that you realize they hear your noise too, and you're willing to try to stop anything in your behavior that is creating much noise.

You should know that not all neighbors are going to follow your requirements, and some may act in a bad manner. If the noisy neighbors don't change their behaviors, the next step should be to write the neighbors a letter. The letter should show your grievances (不满) and the dates when the noise was quite terrible. For example, if your neighbor has loud gatherings every Friday night that last into the early morning, then write down those dates.

When the noise remains going on, you should report it to local authorities (权力部门), or even call the police, when it is really necessary. Often, however, you can solve the problem when the noisy neighbor knows you are going to call the police.

Be aware that you can't always make noisy neighbors be quiet. When the noise remains going on, it is wise not to deal with it in an angry way. If you have completed the steps and letter don't start hitting walls or floors around in your home or turning up the music to make your neighbors angry. Just have patience and remember that communication is the most important.


A noisy neighbor makes life challenging, but the problem needs to be dealt with.

with your neighbors

●Start the conversation with politeness.

●Explain the problemand ask the neighbor to reduce noise.

●Admit that you make noise too, and promise not to create noise.

Writing letters

● Some neighbors won't, your requirement or change their behavior.

●Show your grievances and thewhen the noise was quite terrible.

Reporting to local authorities

●If the noiseyou should report it to local authorities when really necessary.

●Usually, the problem will bewhen the noisy neighbor knows you will call the police.


●Don't deal with the problem in an angry way.

●Keepand try to talk with your neighbors.
