组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

As we all know, too muchtrash is a big problem for our environment. A woman in Indonesia's Java island has come up with a great idea—lending books to children in exchange for trash.

Raden Roro Hendarti, nearly 50 years old, is a librarian in Muntang village. She started a "trash library", hoping to make children read more as well as make them realize the importance of environment protection. Each weekday, Raden puts all kinds of books on the back of her three-wheeler (三轮车) and rides to Muntang village. There, children line up to exchange plastic cups, bags and other trash for books from Raden's mobile library. After finishing the exchange, Raden carries back all the trash.

In the library where Raden works, there are thousands of books. Every time she shows up, children run to her "trash library". They all carry trash bags, and Raden's three-wheeler quickly fills with trash as the books fly out. Raden collects about 100kg of trash each week. It is then sorted out (分类) and sent for recycling or sale. She is happy that children spend less time on online games because of the books.

Raden plans to take the mobile library service to neighboring areas as well. She says, "We all should take care of our trash in order to fight climate (气候) change and save the earth."
