组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

"Mum, please! Can I keep a pet dog or a cat?" Andrew asked.

Mum said nothing, but the next day, she got home with a bright goldfish swimming around in a plastic bag.

"A fish. A 1 little fish. Not exactly my dream pet. It's 2! Everyone has a pet dog," Andrew complained. "Mum, I've got 3 against fish. They're perfectly fine animals. But I want a pet that would do tricks and 4 me when I enter my room. I need a pet that would show me love, like a gentle bark or a miaow.5, I've got a dead-eyed fish!"

"It's the only pet that you can keep," Mum 6.

Andrew had no choice but to keep the goldfish. He put it in the tank and said, "I will name it Dog." "Dog!" Andrew shouted. Suddenly, the goldfish stopped eating and swam over from the other side of the 7. It looked at Andrew, right up to the glass next to him.

Andrew was 8. "Did it know its name was Dog? Was it coming to me when I called? 9. Fish aren't that smart. Are they?" Andrew waited for Dog to swim away again and 10 eating. Then he shouted again, "Dog!" It stopped eating at once and 11 over to Andrew. Maybe Dog wasn't a stupid fish, after all.

Andrew started to train Dog to do tricks. After two weeks, Dog could swim in the shape of eight. After one month of practice, Dog could get back a little plastic ball by swimming under it and 12 it up to the top of the tank. Then Andrew could drop the ball 13 into the water. Dog was playing go-and-bring!

Dog did more than the tricks. Whenever Andrew walked into the room, Dog would 14 swim up and give him a happy 15. Every time Andrew smiled down at Dog, he was pretty sure it smiled right back.
