组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On the first morning of a new term, Jared remembered the things he didn't like about school: Jessica, maths and reading aloud.

Jared 1 to stay at home, but his mom sent him anyway. He had to sit next to Jessica. At reading time, Mrs. Thomas asked Jared to read. Reading aloud always made Jared 2. As he picked up the book, his hands shook. "He can't read," Jessica said. "I didn't call on you, did I?" asked Mrs. Thomas. Jared made a 3.


During the break time, Jessica whispered to him, "When Mom brings my cute kittens(小猫) to school for show-and-tell, don't even think about 4 them."

The four kittens arrived in a box covered with a piece of screen. Everyone except Jared held them. When Jared picked up his pen from the floor, he looked into the box, saying, "Stupid kittens."

After show-and-tell, the children took out their maths books.

Then Philip said, "Hey, where are the kittens?" The box was 5.

"Oh no!" Jessica cried and told Mrs. Thomas. "Jared said they were stupid."

"I didn't 6 it." Jared's face turned red.

"Look at the radiator(散热器)!" Angela said. Tiny grey paws pushed out from under the radiator cover. Alex yelled, "Kitten!" But the kitten disappeared at once.

The bell rang, and the class went out for a break. When Jared passed the empty box, he saw kitten treats. He then had a(n)7. He threw the treats on the floor. A kitten came out. Jared waited until it was eating. Then another...Soon the other kittens were eating. Jared gently put them in the box. Mrs. Thomas put a book on the screen so they couldn't run 8 again.

"Class, Jared helped the kittens out," Mrs. Thomas announced. Everyone 9.

"Thanks," whispered Jessica. "You're the greatest."

Jared was so 10 that when he read, his hands didn't shake. That day, Jared felt the new term might not be so bad.
