组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Flora and her dad are moving to a new house soon. Next week, workers will turn the yard of the old house into a car park. The yard is full of beautiful flowers grown by Flora and Dad.

"My poor flowers," Flora complains in a low voice, looking at the bright purple blooms(花朵) sadly. She sits outside, selling things she doesn't want to take to the new house. Beside her hangs a sign that says Yard Sale. Several of her neighbours come to have a look.

Dad comes out, holding some snacks in his hands. "Here's a snack for everyone," he says. Flora's dad loves sharing things.

Occasionally(偶然地), Flora digs her heels(鞋后跟) deep into the grass. Then she feels the soft earth move under her heels, and she knows what she can do.

She whispers her plan to Dad. He nods with a smile. Flora takes out some flowerpots(花盆) happily and finds a tool to dig with. Carefully she digs up the flowers with some earth and puts them into the pots.

She lines up the pots near her sign. Now she is ready to be a generous person, just like her Dad.

"How much is a pot?" asks Ana from next door.

"Zero cents!" she smiles and says, "Pick any pot you like!"
