组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Have you ever compared your handwriting with your friends' to see how different it is? Like fingerprints, no two people share the same handwriting. Your handwriting can actually say a lot about what kind of person you are. Try writing out a sentence: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Then see what your handwriting says about you.

Size of your handwriting

Did you know that the size of your handwriting can represent the level of your self-respect and self-awareness(自我意识)? Large handwriting may show that you're easy to get along with and you want to be noticed by others. On the other hand, small handwriting may mean that you're shy and careful, and always pay attention to details. Medium-sized handwriting shows that you can get used to a new environment easily.

Spacing between words

Do you leave a large space between your words when you write? According to a study, the distance between two words can show how close or how far you feel towards others. If you write with wide spacing between your words, it may mean that you enjoy your freedom. On the other hand, people leaving narrow spacing between words may like staying with others.

Slant(倾斜) of the words

Did you know that the slant in your handwriting can tell how you treat people and things around you? Slanting to the right means you welcome or accept new ideas easily. And you consider your friends and family are more important than anything else. While slanting to the left may show that you think deeply about your own thoughts, feelings or behaviors. And you like to work behind the scenes better. If you write without slanting at all, you may be practical.

Although the handwriting analyses(分析) are not always true, we can read them for fun. What matters most is you should write carefully.


Different people have different handwriting. Your handwriting can actually say a lot about your personal qualities.

Main body

The size of handwriting can stand for the level of self-respect and self-awareness you have.


● You are easygoing.

● You want to make other peopleyou.


● You are shy and do things carefully.

● You always pay attention to.


●It isfor you to get used to new environment.


The distance between two words can show how you feel towards.


with wide spacing means you enjoy being free.


● You dislike being.


The slant of the words can show how you treat what's around you.


● You are open to new ideas.

● You think your friends and family are theimportant in your heart.


● You think twice before doing anything.

● Youto work behind the scenes.


● You may be practical.


● You can know thebetween your handwriting and personality. Though it is not always true, just write carefully.
