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Everyone experiences bad moods (心情) now and then, some more than others. But maybe help is on the way. (recent), scientists have found that music can improve people's moods. The University of Maryland (make) a study and showed that listening to a type of classical music helped improve the moods of medical (worker). It also helped them feel greater satisfaction with their work.

Many people think that only classical music help people feel better, some studies of college students showed that any kind of music could help (they) make more good emotions (情感), such as joy, excitement, and calm.

How can you help yourself with music? Try music-listening diary. Before you listen to music, try your best (write) down how you are feeling. Then get your favorite radio, CD player, or MP3 player and turn on the music you like (good). College students often listened to rock music, but you can choose any kind. Next, do whatever activity you would do you are listening to music. After listening to the music, write down how long you listened and how you feel now. Keep the music-listening diary a few weeks, and find out if music really makes a difference.
