组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Studies found that travel helps children learn a lot. But planning a school trip is not easy. Teachers need to spend much time making sure the trip will go well. Here are some tips (提示)to plan a safe and educational (有教育意义的)school trip.

◊Start planning early

You should start planning as early as possible before the trip. There is a lot to do, so it is best to give yourself enough time.

◊Don't make the trip too long

Some children may easily cry because the idea of being away from home makes them become homesick, so short trips are usually the best.

◊Make a clear plan

Take a piece of paper and write down your trip plan clearly. What do you want the trip to tell your students? Where do you want to go? What do you do when you first arrive? When do you come back? The clearer your plan is, the better the trip will be.

◊Take care of kids' safety

During the trip, kids' safety is the most important because accidents may happen if you are not careful enough.

◊Make time for sharing and discussing

◊ Make sure your trip gives kids time to share and discuss - during and after. This can happen at dinner, on the way back or when you come back to school. This will help children learn more.
