组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

James Cook had a great dream to sail (航行)around the world when he was young. Born in Yorkshire in1century, little James often helped his dad with difficult farm work. The lord (领主)thought James was a clever boy. He offered2for little James to go to the village school. In the school, James loved reading3 Robinson Crusoe was his favorite. The4stories of Robinson made him dream of visiting new places.

At sixteen, James got a job5a shopkeeper in Staithes. There he often went to the beachside to listen to sailors tell stories after work. "What6wonderful experience! What might I find if I sail across the sea?" He asked7. Then he told the shop owner, "Thank you for what you8for me. But I must follow my dream." The shop owner agreed and wanted to help the young man. "9and talk to my friend John Walker. He will help you." James' dream to sail across the sea didn't come true10he met John Walker. Walker made him his apprentice (学徒). And soon he was on a ship and started his first sailing.
