组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

⑴John's mobile phone doesn't work because something is wrong with the battery (电池).He wonders how to deal with the battery.   

⑵Ifs a Clean-up Day for Tim's family.

There are some newspapers, glasses

and plastic (塑料的)wastes in the

house. Tim has no idea what to do

with them.   

⑶Betty will finish middle school and

she has many old clothes which are

too small to wear. She thinks it is a

waste if she throws them away.   

⑷Jacky collected many juice bottles. He wants to sell them so as to give away the money to the students in poor villages.   

⑸Lily's grandma likes shopping online and there are many paper boxes at home. She has no room for them. She wants to find a place to put them in.   

A. Don't throw glass bottles everywhere. You can put them into the dustbins. Don't break the bottles, either. The broken glass may hurt cleaners.

B. If you have useless paper, plastic bottles or glasses, please send them to the factories. The workers can use them to make something new.

C. Do you have any paper boxes you don't need? Why not give them to our handmade center? We can reuse them to make toys for kids.

D. In a waste collection station, people can sell old things, such as paper bags or bottles. A good price for them.

E. If you have something bad for our earth, be careful not to throw it everywhere. There is a special dustbin for this kind of thing.

F. You can put the waste in this kind of dustbin. Cleaners will move it to a certain place to make it good for our plants to grow well.

G. The students in poor villages don't have enough clothes to keep warm in winter. If you have old clean clothes, you can help them.
