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⑴It's located in Tai'an, Shandong Province. Of the Five Sacred(神圣的)Mountains in China, it is the most important.     

⑵It's located in Huayin City, 120 kilometers east from Xi'an City of Shaanxi Province. It is known as one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China.     

⑶It's in Guizhou. It is 77.8 metres high and 101 metres wide. Come here and you can visit a special place, Water-Curtain Cave(水帘洞).     

⑷It's in Jilin Province. The average depth(平均深度)of the lake is 213 metres.     

⑸It is located in Hunan Province and is one of the Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism(道教)in China.     

A. Mount 'Tai, one of the Five Sacred Mountains in China.

B. Mount Wutai, a sacred land to Chinese Buddhists. (佛教徒)

C. Mount Heng is a mountain range 150 km long with 72 peaks, known in China as Nan Yue.

D. Tianchi Lake, the deepest lake in China.

E. Huangguoshu Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia.

F. Mount Huashan is known as"The Number One Precipitous Mountain under Heaven".

G. West lake is a famous fresh waterlake. It covers an area of 6. 38 square kilometers and its average depth is 2. 27 meters with deepest being 5 meters.
