组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Mrs. Foxwell is one of the most respected people I know. She is always kind to everyone and she treats others the way that she wants to be treated. She taught me respect in many different ways, but mainly how to be respectful in the business world. She told me that I needed to have a firm handshake and that I should always look people in the eye when I talked to them.

Mrs. Foxwell also taught me that I could earn someone's respect by working hard to achieve my goals. In addition to working at Brandy wine Springs School, Mrs. Foxwell once worked at a bank as a manager but she gave that up to teach kids how to be successful. Mrs. Foxwell told our class that she would cry because of the amount of work she had to do in very little time. She told our class that working all night at something we don't love is very stressful, so we should try and do something we love. In the end, she taught me that I have to keep my head high and pull through difficulties. I don't think I have ever worked as hard in any class as I did in her class. I created my own 28-page business plan to share with her, my parents, other teachers and my classmates. Although creating a business from nothing was a lot of hard work, I really enjoyed it and learned several lessons that will help me throughout life.

I have had a lot of role models in my life, but one of the greatest ones is Eva Foxwell. She taught me leadership qualities, how to be respectful and why I should work hard. She changes my life for the better and I desire to be like her.
