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Jiang Mengnan, a girl from Chenzhou, Hunan, received the Touching China Person of the Year Award for 2021.

Jiang Mengnan was born in 1992 in Mangshan, Chenzhou. When she was six months old, she was found unable to speak. Three months later, she was diagnosed (诊断)with heavy loss of hearing in two ears and the doctors said they couldn't cure her.

Since then, Jiang Mengnan's world has been silent. Her parents, who are both teachers, didn't want their lovely daughter to be a deafmute (聋哑人) all her life. In order to make the girl speak, they tried all possible ways. At last, they decided to teach her vocalization (发声)and lipreading (唇语). In this way, Mengnan learned to understand others and even learned to talk with others, though it was a long and hard process.

With her great efforts, Jiang Mengnan finished her primary and secondary education smoothly. In 2011, she got into Jilin University and in 2018 she became a Doctor of School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University. She is so strong-willed and hard-working that she has changed her life completely.

Jiang Mengnan can't be a doctor because of her hearing loss, but she wants to help people with illness, so she chose Pharmacy as her major (专业). Though she is disabled, she has done what common people can't do. Her story makes us believe the saying, "Where there is a will, there is a way.
