组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

he  if   go   hole   enough   another  strong  in  repair   advice

Once upon a time, there was a shepherd. He kept many sheep. the day time, he herded (放牧) them outside; at night, he drove them into the sheepfold (羊圈) which was enclosed by dry grass and pegs.

One morning, the sheperd to herd the sheep and found one sheep lost. He then found that the sheepfold had been broken and there was a big . "The wolf must have stolen the sheep through the hole." He thought. "You'd better the sheepfold and mend the hole as soon as possible. "The neighbor advised him." The sheep has been lost. It's no use repairing the sheepfold." He didn't take the neighbor's kind .

The next morning, he went to herd and found sheep lost. "The wolf had done it again!" The shepherd was very angry. But this time, he regretted not taking neighbor's advice and not taking action in time. He mended the hole soon, and made the whole sheepfold than before. From then on, his sheep didn't get stolen any more.

The shepherd was smart to prevent sheep from being stolen by mending the hole of the sheepfold. What would you do you made a mistake or did something wrong? Do something to make it up, just as the saying goes, "Better late than never!"
