组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When I was walking back home at around 12:15 p. m. one day, an apple core (果核) came flying toward me. It landed just before my feet. Surprised, but I felt lucky not to get hit by it.

The apple was thrown over a wall by a school student. I live opposite a school. The wall separates my house from the school.

Thinking it was a one—off (一次的) experience, I told my friends, and we laughed about it.

Then, a week later, I was walking along exactly the same place at the same time and bam! Another apple core came over. This time it landed on the roof (屋顶) of a house. Oh, my God! I was nearly hit by it!

Last week I was on my way home. I checked my phone. It was 12:15 p. m. I thought about those two times when I had seen apple cores thrown over the wall. But suddenly, another apple core was thrown over with speed!

Enough was enough. Someone could be really hurt by these cores. Did the student (s) not realize that people live across the wall? Or did they not care?

I told my friend about it. "You should just throw the apple back over the wall. That will teach them," my friend suggested. But I don't want to play that "game'". As they say,an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.

Maybe I'll call the school and let them know. The students need to know that they might hurt someone if they keep throwing their waste. What's more, waste belongs in the bin, not anywhere else.
