组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Have you tried a public bicycle?Recently, public bicycles have become popular in big  (city). People can rent(租用) a bicycle  (simple) by using a transportation card. But some people still wonder  it really is easy to use the public bicycles. People also want to know what other problems there are.

Last August,  group of students at Shenzhen high school did a survey  (find) out the answers. Through interviews and an online survey, they found  (big) problem of all was that many bicycles were broken because of the rain and the sun. So these students designed a smart storeroom so that bicycles could be stored(储存) in it. Li Mingcong, the main designer, said he got the idea  his own life last year. "I find that our public library has a smart machine that (help) readers return books easily."

So how does the storeroom work?There is a smart device at the centre of it. The device catches the bicycles and then hangs  (they) up. It is all controlled by a computer programme.

So far, they  (print) a 3D model of the storeroom. Their goal is to give the design to the local government at the beginning of next year.
