组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Why do people have the great celebration for Beethoven's birthday? This outstanding composer's(作曲家) works continue to catch millions of people's attention even 250 years later. His pieces are played more often than those of any other composer. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (第九交响曲)influenced music listening in the 20th century. The playing time for a CD was set at 74 minutes because it would fit the longest recordings of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. This allowed people to enjoy the musical masterpiece on one CD.

Beethoven's Sixth Symphony has become the theme music of environmental activities because the work expresses a love of nature. Last November a concert was held in an elephant park in Thailand, where a pianist played passages from the work. The concert was part of the Beethoven Pastoral Project(贝多芬田园计划). The United Nations and others planned it to help promote (促进)climate protection

Who knows if Beethoven's music will be popular in the next 250 years? There is no doubt it will be enjoyed!
