组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

It is such a hot day. We are going to the seaside. Rob wants to look for crabs. I want to swim in the sea. But I put my foot in the water and my foot hurts. I have to go to see the doctor. The doctor checks my foot. I point at my big toe. It's very red. "How does it feel?" "he asks. "You should take this medicine. It will make you feel better.” Mum takes me home and Dad gives me a hug. I lie down on my bed. I begin to feel better. I hope Dad makes fish and chips. But no. Dad doesn't make them for me. He makes me a big dish of jelly! Bob comes to see me. He is kind. "Do you want to see the crab I caught?" asks Rob. The crab is huge. I want to touch it. But I put my hand in the bucket and..."Ouch!”
