组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Rita,

Your father, your sister and I are not at home. Please tidy your room yourself, because it is too messy(乱的).

There are two cups on your desk and three cups on your chair in your room. Please put them on the table in the living room(客厅). They should(应该) be there. The orange clock on your yellow desk is your sister's. You should return(归还) it to her. Please putiton the desk in her room. Your books are everywhere—under your bed, under your chair and on your table. They should be in the bookcase. Remember(记得) to tidy your bookcase, too! Your student ID card is in the bookcase. You should put it in your schoolbag. Oh, your schoolbag is on the sofa and your hat is on the sofa, too. Please put them on your desk.

