组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

My name is Jack. I am eleven. I don't like to exercise but I like to play. I really like to play basketball. Yesterday my mom told me that I had to exercise. I told her, "No!" Then, I went out to play soccer with my friend, Sam. After playing soccer we jumped high. Then we rode our bikes. Finally I came home for dinner. After I washed my hands, my mom said, "Thanks for exercising. What was she talking about? I didn't exercise. I just played with a friend!  Right? In fact. I did both. My active playtime with Sam has been great exercise at the same time.

Exercising does not have to be boring. Some people think that you can only exercise at a gym. That is not true (真的). Running after a flying ball, and playing soccer with your friends are both great ways to exercise. Why not jump? You could also ride your bike. These are all great ways to exercise, too.

Please remember exercise is really just another word for "active fun"! So find a friend, choose a sport to play, andget going. You'll be so busy having a good time, and you'll forget that you are exercising.
