组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

When you feel down, you are expecting to receive support or comfort from your friends. Your friends feel the same way. However, it may be not easy to cheer up your friends when you can't be by their side.

Ask if there's anything you can do to help. Different people prefer to be comforted in different ways. Ask if there's anything specific you can do to help your friends. While you're talking on the phone, say something like, "What can I do to help? I'm always here if you need anything."

This simple gesture can really brighten your friends' day. If your friends are in need of comfort, send them frequent reminders that you're thinking of them. Share something that reminded you of them. It will let your friends know that they're still important in your life even if they're far away.

List why you think they're special. Send them a list of all the reasons why you think they're amazing. Whether it is their kind and compassionate(富有同情心的) nature,their sense of style,or their ability to find the coolest music, tell them why you are so grateful to know them. After reading what you have listed, they will feel encouraged.

Send them a gift. Surprise them with something special to make their day. Arrange for flowers to be delivered to their apartment or mail them one of their favorite albums. A homemade gift, like a knitted(针织的) scarf or a piece of artwork, will lift their spirits all the same.

A. Send a gift to them to celebrate their success.

B. Thankfully, there are many ways you can help.

C. Therefore, you can visit them to cheer them up.

D. Text them to let them know they're on your mind.

E. You don't have to go all out in terms of spending.

F. If they've been down on themselves lately, they may need a reminder.

G. The question alone will show you care, and they will appreciate your kind offer.
