组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A few years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to London. I saw many of our nation's treasures. Standing on the Oxford Street, I heard a voice1 , “Can you help me?” When I turned around, I saw 2 elderly blind woman with her hand extended. I was annoyed because I was troubled by a beggar. However, I still gave her all my change but without3 at her. But the blind woman smiled and said, “I don't want your money. I just hope you4help me find the post office.”

In a second, I realized what I had done. I'd judged a person5by what I supposed she had to be. I hated6I saw about myself. I believed that I never looked down upon others,7 I'd lost that belief for a moment.

Actually, I was not a local person and came from 8 poor country. I 9 my hometown and arrived in Britain at the age of fifteen. I started my new life 10 two suitcases, my brother, my sister and a strong mother. Through the years, I had been a dish washer, mechanic, cashier and done11 other different jobs. Finally, I became a network engineer.

So far, in my own life, I have experienced many acts of being looked down upon by others. When I was seventeen, I worked as a busboy (餐厅打杂工). Once, a father told his little boy,” If you do not do well in school, you 12 up like him.” It really made me sad at that time.

But now, living my Britain middle-class lifestyle, I feel it too 13to forget my past. That blind woman dealt with14 blindness successfully. She reminded me of my belief on never looking down upon others and always keeping my eyes and heart open.15 priceless lesson she gave me!
