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Poetry has healing powers. To get more joy and peace, we don't have to be a professional poet but we can develop a poetic mindset(心态).

Be in awe(敬畏)of everything.

The poetic mindset starts with the idea that nothing is an accident. Everything is interrelated and plays a part in a greater whole. Close your eyes. Now open them. What is the first thing you see? Look closer. Ask yourself: What does it look like? What does it remind you of? Does it bring happy thoughts or sad ones? Why? I bet your randomly selected object is full of meaning.

A poem is a place where you can pour out your hard feelings. Don't be afraid. You can always throw the page into the fireplace once you've filled it. Poetry can be a storeroom for everything difficult in your life. But there's more, I find when I write about something I'm struggling with, my negative feeling begins to become weaker.

Seek what inspires you.

Life isn't perfect, but you can live with love and trust anyway. There is always goodness to be found once you train yourself to look for it. Poetry to me is a form of praise. I build poems from things I see, people I meet and thoughts and feelings found deep inside. As I present those treasures in poetic language, I am appreciating what is good in them.

A. Your pain is your teacher.

B. How can we manage it in an easy way?

C. What are the steps of writing a good poem?

D. Or seal it in an envelope and come back to it later.

E. Poetry helps us remember this important place of wisdom.

F. Therefore, everything deserves notice and even appreciation.

G. Writing a poem is about describing your inner world vividly.




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