组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Several months ago, a tornado (龙卷风) fiercely hit our city without any signs before. We hadn't1for it in advance, so we were just forced to go into our2actions. I happened not to be in the classroom when it attacked. Hearing the alarm screaming, I rushed 3as fast as I could back to the classroom.

Never did I imagine that we would put our regular4to use. Never did I imagine that my students had5against the wall and crouched (蹲) down on their knees. Their eyes were obviously filled with6as they asked if their parents, pets, and friends would be okay. I, along with other teachers, tried our best to7them, though we actually didn't know what the8would be.

I couldn't9the tornado any more. However, I'm very proud of my students who performed so well. In such a10and dangerous situation, they behaved beyond their ages. Never in my life had I seen them11instructions so quickly, without any hesitation (犹豫). Though some tears were dropping and some hearts were beating fast, the kids were incredibly (难以置信地)12. I'm extremely proud that they struggled to calm down because of their13in me.

Because of the tornado, I realized that my job as a teacher meant a lot. Behind every well-behaved students are a long line of teachers who have made it their life's14to educate them with safety, courage, calmness and trust. Though the tornado has presented (展现)15, I'm sure we can handle them one by one.
