组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Teenagers are more likely to cause conflict with their parents than any other age child. Teens often think what they are saying is1. They believe that if they keep arguing, they can2their parents' minds.

Teenagers argue with their parents because two things are still3during the adolescent period: the limbic system(边缘系统)and the frontal lobe(额叶). The former4emotions, and the latter helps with people's decision making.

With not everything fully developed in teenage bodies, it5how they react to discipline and the word "no". Teenagers want to have freedom and the6to do what they want. Being teenagers is very7. There are too many things happening in a teen's8all at once and their bodies are not quite ready to9everything that's happening. They are still in the10of growing and making all these life decisions.

With teens having little free time, it's an unhappy thing to hear "no"coming from11. Teens want to do something interesting with friends or just simply12without worrying about anything. They trust themselves to be13. Some teens don't understand why they're told they can't do something. Without reasoning behind the "no", there is often a spark(火花) of14leading into an argument. If parents gave a15reason for their decision, it could16many arguments and keep a healthy17. Even if they disagree, when knowing their parents' reason18, teenagers are less likely to respond in a negative way.

Parents should not19intervene with(干预)their kids' choices. It is a part of growing up, and making20and suffering the consequences is an important lesson to learn.
