组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

The Silk Road is in fact a  (relative) recent term. These ancient roads had no particular name until the mid-nineteenth century;

Baron Ferdinand von Richthoften named the trade and communication network the Silk Road. Since then the term  (accept) globally.

In the nineteenth century, a new type of travelers stepped onto the Silk Road: archaeologists and geographers, enthusiastic explorers who were eager  (look) for adventure. Researchers who came from many countries traveled through the Taklamakan Desert,  is now in Xinjiang, to explore ancient sites along the Silk Road,  (lead) to many discoveries and studies, and most of all, a renewed interest  the history of these routes.

Today, many historic  (build) and monuments still stand, marking the passage of the Silk Road through hotels, ports and cities. What's more, the long-standing legacy of this  (impress) network is reflected in a large number of cultures, languages, customs and religions that have developed for many years along these routes. The passage of merchants and travelers of many different nationalities resulted not only in commercial exchange,  in a widespread and continual process of cultural interaction. Obviously, it  (become) a driving force in the formation of diverse societies.
