组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

At present, major parks across the US are facing a  (grow) problem. From getting too close to wildlife to camping in off-limit areas, more and more visitors  (break) park rules. In July alone, park rangers handled more than 11, 000 incidents at the 10 most visited  (nation) parks.

Record numbers of visitors at Yellowstone National Park, in Wyoming, have caused problems. Visitors stray from (mark) paths. They break park rules in order to take selfies wildlife, getting too close to elk, grizzly bears, and bison. As drivers slow to snap pictures of the animals, traffic backs up.

The breaking of park rules comes from disbelief among visitors they will get hurt, said Yellowstone Superintendent Dan Wenk. More than 52, 000 warnings were issued at Yellowstone in 2015, up almost 20 percent from the year before. That  (worry) the National Park Service.

As the number of visitors increase, the group is working (protect) national land for future generations. The top 10 parks, including Yosemite in California and the Grand Canyon in Arizona, hosted almost 44 million people last year. That's a 26 percent increase from a decade (early).
