组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Last summer my son, Eric, left for university in another country. Our once lively house became quiet and1. I missed him so much that I started sending him messages on the phone, mainly to say2or to give him a word of warning.

One of my messages says, " So you told me you3your credit card(信用卡). If you don't try hard to mend your careless ways, one day you'll4 and find your brain missing. "

I did get Eric's messages, but most of them were about 5. They were no different from the notes he used to leave 6 the whiteboard when he was at home.

"I bought a new pair of shoes. They cost me $ 90. Please help!"

"Money is running short 7 I've bought some books for my research paper. Help me, please!"

8, however, Eric begins to send me all kinds of articles: some funny, some touching and some worth 9. He says they will help me understand young men better and keep up with the times.

I read the articles slowly, like a 10student, with mixed feelings as well--my kid, who followed me around not long ago, has now become my 11!

So I write back, "I've read all those articles. I'll take12as a loving son's expectations towards his mother. He must be thinking that his mother is still13enough to accept new things. That makes me feel proud. What we parents lack(缺乏)most is the ability to learn and14, in both body and mind. Thank you, my son. "

In this way we share ideas and 15each other, with a gentle and beautiful language we seldom use. Every time I read those messages, I feel my heart fills with warmth.
