组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Hi, friends! I'm Lily. Welcome to(I) home. Look! This is a photo my family. In it you can see English girl. Who is she? Well, she is my cousin. Her name is Linda Smith. Linda is her (one) name. Smith is her last name.

    (this)are my parents. My mother is a teacher in a middle school. My father is a teacher, too. Their students like (they) very much. Look at this boy. He is my brother, Bill. Where (be) he now? He is in his room and e-mails his friend, because he(lose) his soccer ball. He wants to know where he can (find) it. He loves to play soccer, he doesn't like baseball. Can you find me in the photo? Yes, the girl in a red jacket is me. I like my family.
