组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Jim was walking down a dimly lit street late on evening, hoping to see his lovely children as soon as possible. As he was walking quietly, Jim heard muffled (低沉) screams coming from behind some bushes. Alarmed (惊慌的), Jim stopped to listen carefully. He realized that what he was hearing was the unmistakable (清楚明白的) sound of a struggle. Thinking of the danger, he became frightened.

Only yards from where Jim stood, a girl was being attacked. Jim didn't know what to do. Should he get involved in it? He was worried about his own safety. He was wandering whether he should just run to the nearest phone and call the police or went to fight with the attacker (攻击者) to save the unknown girl.

As he suffered from inward struggle, the girl's cries were growing weaker. Jim knew he had to act fast. Yet he knew he couldn't just walk away from this. He realized that he could not turn his back on the fate (命运) of this unknown girl, even if it meant risking his own life.

Jim was not a brave man, nor was he athletic (健壮的). Even he himself didn't quite know where he found the moral courage and physical strength. However once he was determined to help the girl, he became strangely transformed (转变). He ran behind the bushes and pulled the attacker off the girl, who panicked very much. Seeing Jim prevent him, the attacker became crazy and began to fight with him. Jim became fearless and then fell to the ground, where they wrestled (摔跤) for a few minutes until the attacker jumped up and escaped. Jim felt very tired and he couldn't catch the attacker.

Paragraph 1: Watching the attacker run into the darkness, Jim thought of the girl.

Paragraph 2: "Dad, is that you?" asked the girl in wonder and amazement as she
