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Flowers are so beautiful that people use them to express their feelings. Flowers are usually sold at high prices. Here is a list of the most beautiful flowers which are in great demand (需求) in market.

Roses are thought as the king of the flowers. They have everything a beautiful flower needs to have. One can give a rose as a gift to their loved ones. A red rose shows love, a white rose is a symbol of peace and well-wishes, and yellow stands for friendship and so on.

Bleeding (滴血的) Hearts appear similar to the heart shape. They are mostly red or dark pink in color. This flower has got its name after its shape. It is found in Korea, Japan, northern China and some parts of Siberia. These flowers being so beautiful are used to show love.

Sunflowers are bright yellow and has dark shade head at the centre. They are grown to get oil and seeds from

the flower. The sunflowers represent cheerfulness, love and happiness. America is the country of origin (起源) for the sunflower, and then it was brought to Russia and other parts of the world.

The passion flower (西番莲) looks like an Indian bird peacock's feather. These flowers grow on vines ( 藤), which makes them climb over the walls of one's place. This flower has around 500 families, out of which around 60 species produce tasty edible (可食用的) fruit usually named as the passion fruit. The flowers grow in southern and eastern regions of Asia.
